Innovation Made Easy

We make innovation happen faster, simpler, and together.

Join the community of business leaders, managers and disruptors that want to steer away from theater and boost innovation ROI

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Meet Gabriel

Our founder
Gabriel Campillo, founder of, innovation expert and keynote speaker that for more than 23 years has simplified how teams and leaders approach and design innovation to future-proof organisations
Gabriel Campillo as leading keynote for sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship at South Summit, startups top event
Gabriel Campillo is an expert innovation mentor and coach guiding executives and leaders in their disruption journey
Senior Innovation consultant and expert facilitator for innovation and transformation processes.

An Industrial Engineer with a deep-rooted understanding of design thinking, exponential organisations, systems thinking, corporate finance, and certified Exponential Coach
Build with 23 years of experience working with top global companies and startups
European Technology Chamber a european body created to help companies from Europe adopt and adapt to technology while building a network of colaboration globallyDeusto University is the most important business school in the norther spain area working jointly with Harvard Business SchoolEAE Business School is the business training division of Grupo Planeta editorial companyLimerick university from IrelandUni Qlo a global apparel holdingUniversidad Pontificia Comillas is on the top 5 universities in spainCanon a global imagery, documents and information companyAcerinox global is a top stainless steel and alloys company in the worldIberia global airline from Spain

Innovation. Simple, Together, Faster!

Whitespace.Academy isn't just about offering services, it's about empowering businesses to rewrite their own story of innovation and growth. It's about showing businesses a different way

- a simpler, human, and enjoyable way - to design the future
The remote NEOM desert environment sets the scene for spectacular stargazing, Hisma Desert – NEOM, Saudi NEOM

Guide businesses to rewrite their own history of Innovation

At Whitespace.Academy, we believe that innovation should be accessible, fun, and intuitive. We provide the tools, guidance, and support for businesses to embrace innovation and design the future.
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Whitespace.Academy has been instrumental in transforming our innovation process. Their sprint workshops and guidance on using Generative Artificial Intelligence tools have helped us simplify and accelerate our growth.

John Doe

CEO, XYZ Company

Working with Whitespace.Academy has been a game-changer for us. Their innovative approach and actionable strategies have propelled our business forward.

Jane Smith

Marketing Manager, ABC Inc.